Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Next New Thing

The next new thing that I expect in new media will be virtual classes. This will allow the students to sit in a virtual classroom and get the lectures from their home. This will save time for the people who commute and spend an hour or two travelling. There can be a fixed time where all the students can be in the classroom and the professor can lecture. This will save time and effort for the students and the professors. Students will be able to submit their assignments in the classroom and should be able to take quizzes and exams. Students should be able to do in class writings by typing up the assignments given right away and submitting it. Setting of the classroom can also incorporate options like discussion boards and peer to peer chatting.


  1. I agree that Virtual Classrooms should be an addition to courses in the near future. It will definitely be more convenient for students.

  2. Virtual Classrooms would definitely be good in the winter when it's dark and cold outside. I don't know if I would want to do all my classes from home as there are too many distractions.
