Saturday, December 5, 2009

About My Term Research Paper

I did my research paper on the topic of disability and new media. I tried to find out the changes that came in the lives of disable people with the advancements in new media. I tried to using the library databases for the research, it was very helpful and rest of the content Google helped me out with. I think virtual worlds and other social networking sites have given a chance to the disable people to socialize. they have more freedom as the technology is improving to give them a better access to all these resources. New media such as blogs have helped them have a better say, it has also allowed them to express themselves. There are online shopping sites which are being used which is allowing the disabled people to sit in the comfort of their homes and buy stuff. I found out although the changes are slow but more and more websites are becoming accessible to the disabled. The new business models online are trying to focus on the people with disability because these groups are underprivileged, this would earn the businesses higher revenues and give disabled a better and an improved access.